Blanket the Children in Hope image

Blanket the Children in Hope

$40,000 will provide warmth and comfort to 1600 children

$34,361 raised

$40,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Help us to reach our campaign goal of $40,000.00

Over 11,000 children are abused or neglected in surrounding Western North Carolina counties every year, and we only serve 9 % of them. Our goal for this coming year is to provide comfort to 20% of these children.

When you donate, we use our partnerships with local businesses and the special rates they provide for us to purchase blankets, stuffed animals, dental kits, socks, and more so it's a WIN/WIN for all!

There are several ways that you can continue supporting STK; donations are always welcome, by sharing our organization's mission with your friends and family, or volunteering with us. Please know that we have witnessed the transformation from despair to newfound hope for these families and it's incredible!

ALL DONATIONS are 100% tax deductible. 98% of donations go directly to helping the children as our organization is 100% volunteer based

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